HDFC ERGO Best Travel Insurance Company in India

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Traveling within the country or to various destinations across the globe needs a lot of planning and money too. But, the most important issue in a trip happens to be the safety of the person traveling to different places, as he/she comes across various unforeseen situations on a trip. If any sudden and major health crisis occurs in these situations, money surfaces as the prime issue regarding all medical expenses and expenditure of hospitalization. In order to meet the financial needs of a person in such emergencies, HDFC ERGO the Best travel insurance company in India offers the most cost-effective and flexible plans for travelers insurance.

best travel insurance company

Travelers insurance plans from HDFC ERGO, one of the top travel insurance companies in India, offer monetary, medical and other associated help to the policy holder and his/her family for the international trips.  The purpose of the international trip may be a business or leisure, the HDFC ERGO travel insurance company provides complete coverage for all expenses, losses and damages that arise out of unexpected emergency situations in an international trip. Loss of checked baggage or late arrival of checked baggage – even issues like these are also taken care of by the travel insurance plans of HDFC ERGO.

The travel insurance plans offered by HDFC ERGO with different options for Sum Insured, include-
  • Single Trip Plan
  • Multiple Trip Plan
  • Asia Plan
  • Family Floater Plan
Certain facts about travel insurance from HDFC ERGO, one of the leading travel insurance companies -
  • Submission of health records is mandatory for all trips
  • Submission of the medical reports are needed for – ECG (not with tracing), Blood Sugar(Fasting and PP), Echo Cardiography and Ultra-Sonography
  • Submission of doctor’s fitness certificate with prior medical history and report of previous major illness is necessary
  • Sum Insured limits to 10,000 US Dollars in circumstances of non-submission of medical reports for all travel insurance plans
  • The age limit for the HDFC ERGO travel insurance policy is 6 months to 70 years
  • Health check-up is not required for buying the policy
  • A short trip of only 1 to 4 days is also provided coverage
  • People employed in India and drawing their salaries in Indian currency can avail the coverage
  • Extension of policies is valid to a period of 180 days
  • The policy does not offer coverage for prior illnesses
  • Medical costs cover ambulance facility
  • Claims for both late arrival and loss of baggage are not entertained simultaneously
An all-inclusive Student Suraksha is provided to the all the people studying abroad by HDFC ERGO travel insurance company.
For students living in abroad for academic reasons can extend their policy with the same amount of sum insured if-
  • The Sum Insured has not been increased
  • The actual period of policy has not over
  • Fitness certificate is submitted by the policy holder
  • No claim has been made during the policy period
  • Extension is available for a single time
  • Prior to the activation of the extension period the insured deposits the premium for the extension period
  • The extension period in addition to the actual policy period does not cross the period of 2 years


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